Overview, Markets and Information
$ 4,951,790,044
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 51,728
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
Bitget exchange was established in 2018 and is based in the Seychelles. The exchange’s change in the last 24 hours is $ 12. Bitget is known for being the one of the largest crypto copy trading platforms and offering a wide range of trading services, including spot and futures trading.
Bitget Markets
CoinPairVolumeVolume (BTC)Volume (USD)Volume %
BitcoinBTC/USDT29,114Ƀ 29,030$ 2,803,687,89556.62%
EthereumETH/USDT796,979Ƀ 27,601$ 2,665,654,63553.83%
DogecoinDOGE/USDT2,879,178,435Ƀ 9,035$ 872,580,43917.62%
RippleXRP/USDT333,715,135Ƀ 7,524$ 726,638,94514.67%
Bitget TokenBGB/USDT125,203,566Ƀ 5,277$ 509,686,95410.29%
SuiSUI/USDT69,471,190Ƀ 2,890$ 279,158,6025.64%
MovementMOVE/USDT348,494,581Ƀ 2,854$ 275,668,5155.57%
SolanaSOL/USDT1,458,219Ƀ 2,850$ 275,245,7965.56%
PepePEPE/USDT15,485,124,591,084Ƀ 2,645$ 255,409,6005.16%
UsualUSUAL/USDT148,463,832Ƀ 2,094$ 202,195,1434.08%