Overview, Markets and Information
$ 1,304,763,634
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 13,630
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
BitMart exchange was established in 2017 and is based in the Cayman Islands. The exchange’s change in the last 24 hours is $ 30. BitMart is a global cryptocurrency exchange, offering a wide range of trading options, including spot and futures trading. Known for its user-friendly interface and low trading fees, BitMart also provides various financial products like staking and lending to enhance user engagement.
BitMart Markets
CoinPairVolumeVolume (BTC)Volume (USD)Volume %
EthereumETH/USDT782,668Ƀ 27,200$ 2,650,761,014203.16%
BitcoinBTC/USDT22,867Ƀ 22,861$ 2,227,920,948170.75%
UsualUSUAL/USDT83,156,508Ƀ 1,259$ 122,728,8619.41%
RippleXRP/USDT13,528,493Ƀ 309$ 30,161,4902.31%
MovementMOVE/USDT26,121,241Ƀ 223$ 21,738,4551.67%
TronTRX/USDT81,178,680Ƀ 202$ 19,757,9091.51%
SuiSUI/USDT4,042,476Ƀ 179$ 17,518,8921.34%
Magic EdenME/USDT4,719,749Ƀ 154$ 15,091,8031.16%
Scroll$SCR/USDT11,615,752Ƀ 135$ 13,183,9521.01%
StellarXLM/USDT34,297,704Ƀ 126$ 12,319,2390.94%