Overview, Markets and Information
$ 1,951,028,738
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 21,464
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
Toobit exchange was established in 2022 and is based in the Cayman Islands. The exchange’s change in the last 24 hours is $ 125. Toobit is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange, offering a variety of trading options, including spot trading, derivatives, and copy trading. With a focus on security and user experience, Toobit aims to provide a reliable platform for traders worldwide, supported by a team distributed across multiple regions.
Toobit Markets
CoinPairVolumeVolume (BTC)Volume (USD)Volume %
EthereumETH/USDT148,797Ƀ 5,488$ 539,702,14527.66%
BitcoinBTC/USDT5,020Ƀ 5,000$ 492,091,59625.22%
MakerMKR/USDT41,983Ƀ 679$ 66,798,2513.42%
SuiSUI/USDT3,002,716Ƀ 158$ 15,538,9980.80%
AptosAPT/USDT678,387Ƀ 67$ 6,682,4830.34%
CardanoADA/USDT5,694,826Ƀ 61$ 6,094,6260.31%
ChainlinkLINK/USDT251,436Ƀ 59$ 5,885,9340.30%
OptimismOP/USDT2,651,174Ƀ 55$ 5,475,4420.28%
Pudgy PenguinsPENGU/USDT134,494,409Ƀ 54$ 5,338,9660.27%
TronTRX/USDT18,718,682Ƀ 51$ 5,042,6300.26%